Wedding Dress Storage – After The Day

Wedding Dress Storage – After The Day

Your wedding dress was perfect, you researched, you shopped and you found “THE ONE”.  The dress that made you feel special, made you feel warm and fuzzy inside, you felt like a million dollars, and it may have cost a small fortune also.

The wedding day was perfect, you looked amazing and then once home, you undressed and threw it on the floor…you will take care of it later. NO NO NO NO.

When it comes to taking care of your wedding dress after the day there are some important do’s and don’t and luckily we have them all listed, after all, you don’t want to see that beautiful dress balled up in a heap in the back of the wardrobe.

Check out our detailed list and your dress will be in pristine condition to hand down through the generations.

Wedding Dress Storage “DO’s”

  1. Do have the dress cleaned by a specialist wedding dress cleaner. Dry cleaners or launderers that are not familiar with delicate fabrics and stitching in modern wedding gowns may use chemicals or processes that damage your gown.
  2. Store away from light, heat, damp, etc.
  3. Always store in a pH neutral bag or box – with tissue paper that is acid free. Note: Tissue paper can become acidic, if placed in a non-acid free box.
  4. Do choose a wedding dress storage box that blocks all light, and is strong enough to protect from dust and accidents, and be pH neutral. A box made of heavy board that closes completely will protect from insects, providing the box is closed properly.
  5. Do keep your wedding dress box in a warm, dry room that has no history of insects or dampness. Check for signs of mildew, mould and condensation if unsure. Minimise the risk of flood damage by storing off the ground.
  6. Do check your dress every 6 months or so for peace of mind. Unpacking and repacking once a year gives it an airing and helps to prevent any creases becoming too permanent.
  7. Do use gloves when handling your wedding dress, or at least ensure hands are clean, dry and free of any moisturiser, sun screen or make up of any kind.

Wedding Dress Storage “DONT’S”

  1. Don’t store you wedding dress long term in plastic dress covers. They are suitable for hanging the dress before the wedding, but not for long term storage.  They may let in light which may fade the fabric.  They do not allow for changes in humidity which can cause condensation and mold.  PVC covers can disintegrate over several years and particles may drop onto the fabric.
  2. Don’t store in a normal cardboard box. Unless made with special pH neutral board, all boxes contain acid that passes into the dress fabric causing discolouration or yellowing.
  3. Don’t store your dress with other clothing/fabrics – fibre’s or dye from other garments or fabrics may transfer to your gown.
  4. Don’t wrap the wedding dress in coloured, or dyed tissue paper. All coloured tissue paper contains dye which will affect the dress. Place the dress in a genuinely dark place, and tissue paper should be white and acid free.
  5. Don’t hang a dress on a hanger for any longer than a few hours to avoid stress on the seams and shape. Hanging a dress long term can cause shoulder straps to stretch and the dress to change its shape.

Article supplied by MyDressbox

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